4th Gene Therapy Comparability Summit 2024 Hilton Boston Back Bay, Boston
The late-stage gene therapy pipeline is rapidly evolving, with 10+ approvals across the FDA and EMA in the past year and several more BLA filings and decisions expected by the beginning of 2024.
As momentum builds towards significantly higher numbers of active later-stage clinical trials, the importance drug developers and regulators are placing on comparability is increasing too. That’s why the 4th Gene Therapy Comparability Summit will be back in February 2024, hot on the heels of 2023 approvals, to share the lessons learnt by biopharma directly dealing with comparability for their clinical-stage assets.
Join us in February to design and implement an effective comparability study, significantly de-risk costly delays to clinical programs and ultimately increase the chances of approval.

Drug Developer - Conference + Workshop Day Pricing: USD 4197.00, Drug Developer - Conference Only Pricing: USD 2999.00, Service Provider Developer - Conference + Workshop Day Pricing: USD 5097.00, Service Provider Developer - Conference Only Pricing: USD 3699.00